Friday, September 21, 2012

Final Flight Before Adventurous Beginnings

“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.”
– William Feather
I woke up knowing it would be an action packed day of travel and possibly a stressful day if we are to "Boomerang."

Boomeranging a flight: Antarctica's weather is very unpredictable. Conditions can change from ok to terrible within an hour at any given moment. It takes 3-4 hours to get to Pegasus Airstrip from Christchurch, New Zealand. While in the air anything can happen to the weather on the ground. So when the plan takes off they fly almost all the way to Pegasus and communicate with the ground personnel there. That's when the plane will get clearance to land or not. If the weather has picked up and it's unsafe to land the plane will be sent back to New Zealand to wait for better conditions. This process has been described as, "Very Crappy!" and "A pain in the ass!" By many people who have gone through it. One reason being that you have one or many days to live out of your "Boomerang Bag."

Boomerang Bag: When packing the plane there are 3+ bags that everyone takes with them.
A stowaway bag (or two) that is given to plane personnel and stowed in the back of the plane until landing in Antarctica.
A carry-on bag that contains your camera, music player, books, and any ECW (Extreme Cold Weather) Gear that you don't want to wear for the entire flight. This is taken on your person in the plane.
And finally a Boomerang Bag that contains an extra change of clothes or two, toiletries, books, and any other things you might need if you don't make it to Antarctica on the first try.

Luckily for us, we made it on our first try but I'm getting ahead of myself.

After fully packing our various bags and checking out of our rooms we waited in front of our hotel for the shuttle to come get us. Driving to the Antarctic Support Center was nothing special for some people in the van but others were nervous and you can read it off their faces. I sat in the back with my arms crossed and legs leaning together against the right side of the vehicle staring out the window unblinkingly. Once we arrived we were given our luggage and sent to the designated changing rooms to put our ECW on and get situated. Afterwards, we checked our luggage in to the New Zealand army personnel who took it to the plane while we waited in the ASC building for one last video and a small briefing. The video was short and all the information mostly a repeat of impertinent information previously discussed with a few bits of new information for today's journey. Once this was finished we filed through the various scanners and took one last shuttle to our plane.

This is a new experience. I've boarded many planes, many of which has been in the last week, but walking down a runway while the plane is warming up and the sun is slowly rising is a new feeling. When you walk up to the side of a massive Boeing C-17 you can feel a number of emotions. I strangely felt profoundly safe. Seeing the American Army look so calm while they tinkered around the plane was very reassuring.

For some reason this plane ride seems to take significantly longer than it should. There isn't much conversation during the entire flight due to the roaring of the engine and people mostly keeping to themselves. There is a few windows on either side of the plane that you can look out of and it's quite beautiful. There is one that looks out just below the wing and one of the huge engines.

Once we were set to land everyone put their ECW on and waited anxiously. The plane came to a stop and we got ready to step outside on a new continent. When the door opens there is a swift breeze that enters the plane and clears the scent from inside and catches you off guard a bit. This was it, I had officially made it to Antarctica! Now it's time for the adventure to truly begin...

Home Is Gone And The Road Lies At My Feet

“I am not an adventurer by choice but by fate.”-Vincent Van Gogh
Once all of the paperwork was finished and the phone calls had finally ceased life was peaceful again, if only for a few days. Some would take this time to relax and enjoy themselves in the States and I did just that. But I am not a normal person and my definition of "relax" is different from others.

My intention was to make as many memories as possible in this short amount of time so I had something nice to look back upon once I was on the ice. This involved laying by the pool, going out all night at the bars (a lot), dancing the days away, going on short road trips, having brunch, lunch and dinner with anyone who had the time and all other manners of enjoyment. Little did I know, this was making leaving harder and harder as time passed. The day before my flight to Los Angeles, I spent the entire day drinking and having fun with my friends. Before the sun fell I periodically had to run outside or to another room to calm myself down from the thought of my inevitable departure.

Once the morning finally came I walked around in a stupor. Numb with the thought of leaving so much behind until further notice. The car ride was in virtual silence as my two good friends rode next to me occasionally asking me how I felt. I, admittedly, wept in the airport after saying goodbye to my friends. The feeling of despair was greatest on me as I tried to function the airport self check-in. The first take-off was very difficult especially since I'm a bad flier to begin with. But strangely enough I felt renewed once I set foot in LAX. You would think that an 8 hour layover would be hellish but it flew by while I read and randomly toured around the premises. Next stop, Sydney, Australia.

Back in L.A. I picked up a small digital camera that would hold me over until I could get something better. I, for a moment, thought that I'd be able to run outside the airport for a quick look around not realizing I would need a visa of some sort so I took my pictures of Sydney from the lounge side windows. There was only enough time in my layover to grab a quick drink to calm the nerves and read a few chapters before boarding another plane. This was where things would get much more interesting.

I landed in Christchurch, New Zealand at about 9:00AM. I was directed by USAP personnel to certain areas of the airport to receive instructions on where I'd be staying and what my duties were. This is where I began to talk to other Antarctica bound travelers. I met one gentleman named Rich and we headed towards out hotel with the intentions of having a few drinks that night. Unfortunately, I was at the wrong hotel and had to catch a shuttle to the other side of town. Traveling in a car in foreign countries is always fun to see but driving around Christchurch is quite a sight. The buildings are made of stone and other materials and there isn't a building over 4 stories high. The sidewalks are uneven and quite beaten but they add a sort of novelty to the town. Everything feels like it has history behind it and looks so inviting. Upon reaching our hotel I got out with a few people and we checked in. Two people by the names of Camille and Kimber were roomed next to me and we agreed to meet up a little later to walk around the town together. I met up with Camille and we looked for Kimber but didn't find her so we walked without her.

As the sun goes down in Christchurch the town just gets more enticing. We walked down the street towards the mall and I felt incredibly safe. It's easy to feel that way when everyone smiles and every now and again someone asks you how you're doing. The Northlands Mall is supposedly the "crappier" mall but it's still pretty amazing. Being very clean and bright it made American malls seem dirty, unpleasant places to be. Finding food is hard only in the respect that there's far too much to choose from. Do you want Egyptian, Japanese or Greek? All of this can be found next door to each other capped at the end by an empty Subway Sandwich shop. Afterwards, we walked down to a bar for a quick pint before calling it a night. We walked in and grabbed a seat in the crowded bar and realized that something very important was about to happen. New Zealand was just about to play Australia in a rugby match.

This was such a spectacle! At the beginning they played the national anthem of both teams and the bar was deafening as the Kiwis (New Zealanders) yelled the anthem at the top of their lungs. Afterwards, someone found out that we were Americans and spent part of the game educating me on the rules involved with rugby. For some reason, people from New Zealand LOVE Americans. We retired for the evening before the game was over (New Zealand was clearly going to win).

The next morning we met our shuttle to take us to the Antarctic Support Center for orientation. Here we got to talk to veterans about their past experiences and received their advise about anything and everything. We then, watched a video depicting life on the ice and were given a few disclaimers before we got there. Afterwards you're given a flu shot and sent to another room to try on your gear. This is the uniforms you'll be wearing and the Extreme Cold Weather Gear issued by the company. All must be tried on to ensure they fit right and work properly. Then you are brought to another location for a safety briefing. It's the part of the orientation that no one likes to sit through but luckily the people involved make it enjoyable by asking questions and telling jokes. After this you are set loose once again.

A group of us decided to go to the "good" mall. After a short cab ride we were in the heart of Christchurch where the city finally starts to feel like a city. There are tall buildings and busy streets lined with people and cars. The strange thing was the mall closed at 7pm and it was 6:30pm so not much shopping could be done. There was disagreement in our group as to where we were going to eat so we split into two groups and said we would meet outside of the mall in 2 hours. I was in a group with Matt and Brad and we walked to a pizza place but realized that it was way too overpriced for what we were looking for. Then we walked around until we found a fish and chips stand and decided this would do. It turned out to be so much more than we had expected! They made it fresh on the spot and gave you enough for 3 people in a single serving. We all got our own and did what we could to put it away. The guys finished earlier than me so I sent them ahead to find our friends while I finished and we would meet at the bar next door. While waiting outside two men came out of the bar. They looked to be mid to late 20s, covered in tattoos, and intoxicated. One of them asked me for a light and I passed him a stack of matches thinking these guys looked a little dangerous so I kept my distance. As soon as they found out I was American they lit up with excitement! They had so many questions about The States and thought Americans are "So cool!" After a short exchange they shook my hands and took off just as my friends met back up with me. We still couldn't find our friends so decided to grab a beer while we figured it out.

The bar seemed more like a sports bar of sorts. There were large TVs on the walls and pool tables in the back with a dim hue of light. The floor was lined in a green and brown carpet and the tables were standing wobbly and scratched. There was a small batch of people who were all friends having a good time while one of their friends sang and played guitar. They looked to be 22-25 years old and the musician was laughing and missing cues in her own song but just giggled and continued. She sang beautifully and we cheered after every song. She would say things to us and our friend Matt would be completely confused and ask things like, "Did she just call us Afghani?" But under her thick accent she just asked, "Should I play that song again, eh?" After a couple of pints we continued onward to find our friends and get home.

Luckily, we found them shortly after and began our hike home unaware of how far we really were. After walking for about 15 minutes we decided to have another pint in a bar before waving down a cab. We have come to learn that betting is huge in New Zealand and every bar is either a sports bar or has a small section dedicated to placing bets on horse races. It was maybe 9pm and there were two gentlemen sitting in this bar separately with ticket stubs in their hands. We left the bar after a beer and took off down the street again. At this time of the night in this part of town you can see just how pleasant Christchurch really is. There's a faint light from the building that gives the sky a softness without obscuring the light of the stars and moon. Few cars go by giving the illusion that it's much later than it really is. After getting home we discovered our flight was pushed back one more day due to the weather.

The next day I woke up at 6am and started a run around the city. I took off down a street with the intentions of making a big loop trying to keep the various street names in my head. After making my first left I came across some construction so I ducked behind a street thinking it would lead out to the same street but I was incorrect. I began to zig-zag down streets and came out on a road without sidewalks and with two large fields on either side of the street. I had the entire day to figure this out so I continued to run knowing that I could just grab a bus or cab back to my hotel. After a while I came to a main street with a bus map of the city and got my bearings. I found that I was a few blocks away from the Northlands Mall so I continued my run till I got there. It was about 9:30am and I was starving! So I popped in and grabbed a quick bite at an Egyptian place and went shopping. One very nice thing was New Zealand was going into Spring/Summer so every jacket was 40-80% off and I picked up a nice jacket for 40 New Zealand Dollars which equates to about $32 American.

After getting a few other supplies I returned home and spent the day relaxing knowing tomorrow would be the day I boarded the plane to go to Antarctica...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Concerning The Author

"Writers aren't exactly people, they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
I imagine most of the people reading this will most likely be family and friends but for those few who I have yet to meet, this is directed towards you. This is a short section to make what I write make a little more sense. It's to explain how I see the world and how I see the people in it.

As I stand, I am a 24 years old male from Yuma, Arizona. I am a storyteller from birth. Nothing pleases me more than to retell a story to someone who will listen. I have also become very good at turning a slightly plain tale to something a little more extraordinary. No, I don't create tall tales or lie about true events. I merely draw attention to the more interesting parts and focus on reactions and expressions.

Throughout time I've told countless tales but have forgotten many. There are stories that will never be forgotten that stay lodged in my head but for the most part my stories have a shelf life. I'm best at telling stories directly to someone so I can act out certain events and show various expressions but I'll try and make this as entertaining as possible.

I have many different views on things in the world and enjoy discussing them with people. A good argument can make a person feel most alive at times. I am also the first person you will see volunteer when given the choice to do something new, even if it's something that might end up...well let's just say bad. I'm of the mind that change is good, whether or not it's something with immediate rewards or punishment. One thing I've learned is that the harder something is, the greater the reward. But I guess I can properly describe what I really mean by that later on. For now we can just get to the point of this and I'll give you a little information about me.

After about 12 years in Yuma, Arizona I moved to Los Alamos, New Mexico. There, I spent my 4 high school years and took my first adventure away from home. I spent 30 days back packing around Europe with my friend Mark B. Painter. Upon returning I moved to Phoenix (Mesa specifically) Arizona where I spent a little over a year before moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico. After 3-4 months here I moved back to Ma and Pa's house in Los Alamos while they were living in Saudi Arabia. Many things happened in the 2 years spent there but that's for another time. Two friends had moved to Denver, Colorado and suggested I did the same after a failed attempt to move to Portland, Oregon. Denver is possibly my favorite city (so far) in the States. I spent 2 1/2 years here before making the decision to move to Antarctica.

And that's the necessary biography of any blog out of the way. Now lets get to the important part...the story.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Parting Words From the Wandering Road

“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.” -G.K Chesterton
     Some people want adventure to find them but hesitate once the opportunity arises. The thing about adventure is that it will only find you so many times, after a while you'll have to go out and find it yourself.

Some claim finding adventure is comparable to finding love but I disagree (to an extent). Love is fickle and the moment you stop looking, there it is. But adventure is always ready to be found. It's in every handshake, across a body of water, down every road, even under every stone.

Looking for it is easy enough but recognizing the potential outcomes is tricky at first and once you find out how it works you will find yourself in a daily routine of adventurous behavior.

This inevitably leads to a moment when you're lined up to have a fantastic adventure that will change you in more ways than you could ever hope. This is the story of one of mine, as it happens.
                      *          *          *
     Over a year ago two of my friends decided they would take an adventurous leap and spend 6 months in Antarctica to work in a science facility known as McMurdo Station. The idea was enticing
but my life wasn't suited to support such a leap. I passed on the opportunity and anxiously awaited their return to hear about life on the ice.

I will admit, part of me wanted to hear bad things. Hearing that it was miserable and, "not worth the time." would have made the decision easier. It would have meant that I would stay in a safe city where I was familiar with the various dangers and surrounded by friends to keep me safe. Life would have continued but I would have the lingering thought of, "What if..."

But this wasn't the case whatsoever. My friends returned and they said they loved it! They were just back and already preparing for their next journey to Antarctica. This threw my life into question and I began planning to go, fully knowing that I could back out at anytime if I didn't want to go.

But once again, that wasn't the case.

I began the application process and started learning a lot about the program. With every word I read I began to realize that this was exactly what my life needed; an adventure. But not just any kind of adventure. A 6 month long, fantastic adventure.

The application was long and arduous but I will admit, I'm a procrastinator. Removing this trait would have made the process fast and easy but putting things off will make it stressful and make you question if it's all worth it. Luckily, once I told my friend that I would go this year she was very intent on making it so. She emailed and called me on a regular basis to make sure I was getting things done (Big ups Erin!).

And despite her efforts I still managed to complete the process days before leaving. Once it's done there is something peaceful about everything you do from then on. There are still nerves involving the departure and the looming idea that you will be living in a dorm on the bottom of the Earth for half of a year. Unfortunately, it's also the more "important" months as well. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years will be spent away from family and friends in a foreign part of the world with people you've only just met.

The thing about adventure is that most of it is outside of your personal comfort. It makes you look at everything in a different way and by doing so it makes you appreciate everything up until this point. Even before you leave you begin to appreciate all of the people and things you won't see for the next while. Before departing I found myself walking around saying, "This is the last time I'll eat here in the foreseeable future." "I'm gonna miss walking by this building everyday." And, "That's the last time I'll be able to puke in this bar for a while."

But sacrifices must be made to progress positively in the world.