Monday, September 17, 2012

Concerning The Author

"Writers aren't exactly people, they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
I imagine most of the people reading this will most likely be family and friends but for those few who I have yet to meet, this is directed towards you. This is a short section to make what I write make a little more sense. It's to explain how I see the world and how I see the people in it.

As I stand, I am a 24 years old male from Yuma, Arizona. I am a storyteller from birth. Nothing pleases me more than to retell a story to someone who will listen. I have also become very good at turning a slightly plain tale to something a little more extraordinary. No, I don't create tall tales or lie about true events. I merely draw attention to the more interesting parts and focus on reactions and expressions.

Throughout time I've told countless tales but have forgotten many. There are stories that will never be forgotten that stay lodged in my head but for the most part my stories have a shelf life. I'm best at telling stories directly to someone so I can act out certain events and show various expressions but I'll try and make this as entertaining as possible.

I have many different views on things in the world and enjoy discussing them with people. A good argument can make a person feel most alive at times. I am also the first person you will see volunteer when given the choice to do something new, even if it's something that might end up...well let's just say bad. I'm of the mind that change is good, whether or not it's something with immediate rewards or punishment. One thing I've learned is that the harder something is, the greater the reward. But I guess I can properly describe what I really mean by that later on. For now we can just get to the point of this and I'll give you a little information about me.

After about 12 years in Yuma, Arizona I moved to Los Alamos, New Mexico. There, I spent my 4 high school years and took my first adventure away from home. I spent 30 days back packing around Europe with my friend Mark B. Painter. Upon returning I moved to Phoenix (Mesa specifically) Arizona where I spent a little over a year before moving to Santa Fe, New Mexico. After 3-4 months here I moved back to Ma and Pa's house in Los Alamos while they were living in Saudi Arabia. Many things happened in the 2 years spent there but that's for another time. Two friends had moved to Denver, Colorado and suggested I did the same after a failed attempt to move to Portland, Oregon. Denver is possibly my favorite city (so far) in the States. I spent 2 1/2 years here before making the decision to move to Antarctica.

And that's the necessary biography of any blog out of the way. Now lets get to the important part...the story.

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